Literary passions

In two volumes. By Jan Rosiek

Still in Play

the paintings of torben ulrich

John Chr. Jorgensen
turned 80 on January 15.
On that occasion came out
Desire to read and itch to write

Svend Åge Madsens magiske teater

The rhetoric of the poem

By Peter Stein Larsen

The seasons in verse

By Lars Handesten

Latest releases

Still in Play
Still in Play
Søren Reith-Hauberg
The paintings of Torben Ulrich
Release May 10th. Preorder possible.
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Still in Play
Still in Play
Anker Gemzøe
The paintings of Torben Ulrich
Release May 10th. Preorder possible.
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Still in Play
Still in Play
Torben Ulrich
The paintings of Torben Ulrich
Release May 10th. Preorder possible.
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The rhetoric of the poem
The rhetoric of the poem
Peter Stein Larsen

Coming soon. Can be pre-ordered.

The poem's rhet...
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Prestø and surroundings
Prestø and surroundings
Forlaget Spring

History - Nature - Culture

This book covers the history of Præstø and the surrounding...
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Genre in literature and society
Genre in literature and society
Sune Auken

Genre in literature and society leads the reader into a modern understanding of genres. Genres...
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The journal SPRING no. 53 The journal SPRING no. 52 The magazine SPRING no. 51 The journal SPRING no. 50 The journal SPRING no. 49


The journal SPRING

All about our literary journal, which started back in 1992.

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