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Poems. By Thorkil.
Audio & Book: Incl. 1 piece. audio CD
Poems that are both humorous and furious reach out after gray everyday life and unimaginative life, after Copenhagen and the North Jutland of childhood, and call for a little more spontaneous joy in life.
“If only I were a tidal wave, I would choose my targets carefully, I would choose idiots and liars and wash over them with my great strength, I would take the White House with me into the sea. YES! And Yanukovych! Not a single corrupt president in the world would avoid me!
But quietly I wanted to avoid offending the poor, maybe even manage to harvest a field or put a new roof on an old house with roof tiles I had brought from my violent demolition of the Fields Shopping Center and the Opera House anyway,
I would – YES, I would! - avoid all children first of all, and I would leave the tourists to get fat in peace, Indonesia has probably been through enough, so even the most perfidious man in Sumatra I would at most give a cold dip and then let him rest on a rock, if only I were a tidal wave…”