Literature in the 00s
If we have learned anything from the 00s, it is that reality is not free of ideology. That 9/11, the system change, the war on terror, climate disasters, economic booms and collapses have all been decisive for the values, the language and the view we have of ourselves and the world today. Yet this story has yet to be told and explored in the literature that has grown in the 00s.
Through analyzes and readings of 50 different works, the book examines the literature of the 00s and at the same time opens up a field in literary methodological practice. The book is thus an invitation to see the world with 'different eyes' and not least to read literature in a different way - as a supplement to more common reading strategies.
The book includes, among other things, sociologist Pierre Bourdieu and Slovenian ideology critic Slavoj Žižek's theories as a basis for a new ideology critique. The starting point for this critique of ideology is not, as before, a critique of the ideology of literature, but an uncovering of the ideologies that prevail in the present and thus in literature – ideologies that it is often said no longer exist.