Regular price
248,00 kr
Sound figures - an afterthought
Lust-surprised : Anders Arrebo: Hexaëmeron
The Vanity of Vanities : The Vanitas motif at Kingo
The crying hero
The concept of imagination at Schack Staffeldt
A drop strong: about Grundtvig's Easter lily
Ingemann's romantic Christianity
The lyricism of naturalism
Sophus Claussen
Johannes V. Jensen: Columbus
Earth and the distance: about Thøger Larsen's poetry
Jens August Schade
Frank Hunter
Ivan Malinowski
The balance lesson: about Thorkild Bjørnvig's Siv water and moon
The symmetry of grief: about Inger Christensen's Sommerfugledalen. - Poem about Poul Borum
Sound figures - an afterthought
Lust-surprised : Anders Arrebo: Hexaëmeron
The Vanity of Vanities : The Vanitas motif at Kingo
The crying hero
The concept of imagination at Schack Staffeldt
A drop strong: about Grundtvig's Easter lily
Ingemann's romantic Christianity
The lyricism of naturalism
Sophus Claussen
Johannes V. Jensen: Columbus
Earth and the distance: about Thøger Larsen's poetry
Jens August Schade
Frank Hunter
Ivan Malinowski
The balance lesson: about Thorkild Bjørnvig's Siv water and moon
The symmetry of grief: about Inger Christensen's Sommerfugledalen. - Poem about Poul Borum